BHK's Hyaluronic Acid Capsules⭐玻尿酸 素食膠囊
$32.88 $39.99
BHK's Hyaluronic Acid Capsules added with Vitamin C
60 Capsules/Bottle
Take 1 Capsule a day
Suitable for Vegetarian
For Men & Women 12 yr old above
95% Patented HAPLEX® Hyaluronic Acid
Quench Your Thirsty Skin
Dewy Moist & Bright Whole Day
Patented Oxxynea® Polyphenols concentrate
Oxxynea® is a whole food concentrate of 22 fruit & vegetables providing the same antioxidant protection as the daily consumption of 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Improves skin suppleness
- Protects against collagen loss
- Increases and sustains skin moisture level
- Joint protection through lubrication
- Helps In Hydrating Dry And Aged Skin
- Helps Reduce Wrinkles
- Boosts The Health And Protection Of The Skin
BHK's 玻尿酸膠囊 60粒/瓶
机底水漾 透出水亮
- 西印度櫻桃萃取 美妍紅潤好氣色
- 多種維生素 抗氧化、促進膠原生成
ABC NEWS - Connie Chung The Miracle of Hyaluronic Acid

Customers Reviews

The Best Combination

Chinese Translation
机底水漾 透出水亮
【高濃度玻尿酸 X 專利綜合蔬果多酚】
採用世界知名HAPLEX ®玻尿酸,符合歐洲及日本藥典安全菌株發酵而來,品質穩定,95%以上高純度。