BHK's Dewy Bouncy Hydrating Combo Set⭐澎嫩水漾組
$53.99 $68.88
BHK's Hyaluronic Acid 60 capsule + Advance Collagen Plus 60 tablets
60 Capsules/Bottle
Take 1 Capsule a day - Hyalunronic Acid
Take 2 Tablets a day - Collagen Plus
For Men & Women 12 yr old above
Quench Your Thirsty Skin
Dewy Bouncy Moist & Bright Whole Day
- Improves skin suppleness
- Protects against collagen loss
- Increases and sustains skin moisture level
- Joint protection through lubrication
- Helps In Hydrating Dry And Aged Skin
- Helps Reduce Wrinkles
- Boosts The Health And Protection Of The Skin
Improve skin elasticity
Added with Vitamin C & E
Premium Patented Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides
No Fishy Smell
No.1 Best Seller in Cosmed Taiwan
BHK's 澎嫩水漾組 膠原蛋白錠(60粒/瓶)+玻尿酸膠囊(60粒/瓶)
飽滿潤光 青春還原
【彈力飽滿 水嫩不斷】
— 專利膠原胜肽+維生素C;促進膠原蛋白形成,封存彈力因子。
— 頂級玻尿酸+專利綜合蔬果多酚;深入机底,飽水滋潤。
The Best Combination

Chinese Translation