BHK's Sea Buckthorn Oil Softgels【Cellular Health】⭐沙棘果油 軟膠囊 freeshipping - Bluemoon Secrets Chamber – Bluemoon Secrets Chamber Pte Ltd
BHK's Sea Buckthorn Oil Softgels【Cellular Health】⭐沙棘果油 軟膠囊


$38.88 $47.77


BHK's Sea Buckthorn Oil Softgels

60 Softgels/Box
Take 1 Softgel a day
For Men & Women 12 yr old above

The King Of Superfruit ➡ The way To Super Health

Sea Buckthorn Oil Softgels Introduction

Overall Health: Sea buckthorn Oil

Much Nutrient-Dense Fruit
Sea buckthorn Oil are believed to have immune-boosting, heart-protective properties.
And are considered a good plant source of vitamin C, vitamin E and omega-7 oils which are great from a nutritional value.
Sea buckthorn Oil
 contains a specific kind of omega-7 fatty acid which carries some unique and impressive health benefits.

Desert Fruit
Daily treatment with Sea Buckthorn oil will provide your epidermis with nutrients, proteins and essential fatty acids which will help to keep it healthy.


  • Provides omega-3, 6, 9 and omega-7 plus other strong nutrients
  • Protects your heart, arteries, and blood vessels
  • Keeps skin looking young and hydrated
  • Soothes mucosal tissue and stops ulcers
  • Relieves the dryness and itching of Sjögren’s syndrome
  • Relieves dry eyes
  • Reduces inflammation

BHK's 沙棘果油 軟膠囊 (60粒/盒)

黃金聖果 滿載能量

  • 每天來點好油,讓机底更健康❤
  • 層層滋養,深層呵護每一吋
  • 賦活能量,回到最佳狀態❣
 沙棘富含多種營養素,珍稀Omega-7 含量高達40%以上,有神奇果實美稱;是補充營養的新選擇‎,促進流通代謝、維持机底健康。


Chinese Translation

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