funcare Ido® AC-11 Instant Whitening Cream (Whitening Sphere) ⭐ 船井®Ido醫朵AC-11激光瞬白凝霜美白晶球(升級版)
funcare Ido® AC-11 Instant Whitening Cream (Whitening Sphere) 50ml
Super Bright ⭐ Super Sparkle ⭐ Super Fair
The Award Winning Evolutionary Instant whitening Break Through
(Monde Selection Grand Gold quality Award)
- Super Brightening Sparkle and Fair skin
- Whitening sphere Upgrade formula
- Effective Whitening
- Remove and Prevent Dark Spots and Melanin Pigments
- Anti-wrinkle
- Skin Hydrating and Moisturizing
★延緩黑色素生成, 瓦解黑色素达到祛斑的效果

Chinese Translation