BHK's Crimson Cranberry Plus Probiotics Tablets【Feminine Care】⭐红萃蔓越莓益生菌錠 【私密保养】
BHK's Crimson Cranberry Plus Probiotics Tablets【Feminine Care】
30 tablets/packet (Resealable Foil Bag)
60 tablets/bottle
1 or 2 Tablet A Day
For Men & Women 12 yr old above
BHK's Crimson Cranberry Plus Probiotics
*Patented Cranberry from North America.
- Rich in proanthocyanins (PACs)
- High concentration (34:1) - *Patented techniques extraction, helps to preserve the bio-active components of the entire cranberry fruit which loaded with antioxidants.
- *Superior coating formulation which can make sure absorption enhancement after delivered to the intestine without being damaged by stomach acid.
- *Exclusive Bio-Shield technique and Timer Release to raise the absorption, achieve effectively continuous release for 12~16 hours.
- *Probiotics to help maintain vaginal health microbial balance.
Main Ingredients (Per serving):
Cranberry Extract 250mg,
Powder of Lactic Acid Bacteria 20mg
Take 1 tablet daily after meal. For better result, take 2 tablets per day. Do NOT take more than 2 tablets per day.
- 🍒Protect maintain women’s most intimate health
- 🍒Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- 🍒Probiotics Help fight yeast infections
- 🍒Maintain healthy pH levels.
- 🍒May Helps Anti-inflammatory to reduce itching, burning and redness
- 🍒May Help reduce bacterial growth
- 🍒May Helps High Cholesterol
- 🍒May Helps Improves Cardiovascular Health
- 🍒May Helps Avoids Respiratory Infections
- 🍒Strengthens Bones and Teeth
- 🍒Prevents Kidney Stones
- 🍒May Helps Peptic ulcers
- 🍒May Helps Prevents Scurvy
- 🍒Skin Whitening🍒Antioxidant🍒Anti Aging
- 🍒No Chemical All Natural Ingredients
BHK's 红萃蔓越莓益生菌錠 【私密保养】
台灣藝人、名模、部落客 使用後一致推薦!
特濃專利蔓越莓 清爽舒適
效果加乘 守護私密處、保持舒爽
- ⭐改善私密处痕痒、分泌物多、异味、白色念珠球菌感染、泌尿道感染
- ⭐人体试验证实,1天2粒,7天有效改善痕痒及分泌物
- ⭐避免坏菌附着导致感染,改变私密处菌丛生态
- ⭐适合久坐、长着紧身裤、经常憋尿、饮水量不足人士
- ⭐深释肠溶锭设计,唔惊胃酸破坏
- 1. 北美红宝石蔓越莓
- 2.五种私密专用乳酸菌
- 3.深释肠溶技术
Dr.James Meschino cranberry intake reduces urinary tract infections. Dr. Josh Axe on Cranberry Benefits