BHK's MaMa Calcium added Magnesium Capsules⭐孕媽咪螯合鈣膠囊
BHK's MaMa Calcium added Magnesium Capsules
60 capsules/bottle⭐2 capsules per day
🍼Added with Magnesium 2:1, Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Folic Acid
🍼Vegetarian NO WEIGHT GAIN
🍼Strong Bone Growth And Skeletal Development
🍼Fetal Development in Expectant Mothers
🍼Reducing The Occurrence Of Kidney Stones
🍼Needed to Maintain Dental Health
🍼Preventing PMS
🍼Helps Lower High Blood Pressure
🍼Defends Against Cancer
🍼Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases
🍼Balancing The pH Levels In The Body
🍼Aiding In Weight Loss
🍼Preventing Skin Damage
🍼Prevents Hormone Abnormalities
🍼Reducing The Risk Of Chronic Diseases
🍼Transporting Nutrients
🍼Supports Muscle and Nerve Function NO MORE LEG CRAMPS
🍼Help Prevent Diabetes
🍼Helps with Indigestion
BHK's 孕媽咪螯合鈣膠囊
聰明媽咪好骨氣 北鼻健康發育
- 高吸收率的螯合鈣搭配2:1完美比例的鈣鎂
- 獨家複方營養補給 讓媽咪補胎不養肉
- 素食媽咪也可食用
- 完美吸收,補充一日不足
Dr. Josh Axe on Calcium Deficiency: 6 Warning Signs and Top Calcium-Rich Foods

Chinese Translation